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Illustration of a woman standing in the foreground holding a book as if she was reading it and smiling. Behind her is a computer screen divided into six squares where six people appear.

Level 101

101 sessions introduce foundational terms and concepts around diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB). Each session builds awareness on central, applicable concepts and includes tools and exercises that support the participant’s learning. Participants do not need to have previous knowledge of key DEIB terms, concepts, and practice in self-awareness. We suggest taking one to three 101 sessions before starting 201 sessions.

This training focuses on giving and receiving feedback as a foundation for healthy workplace belonging. We will balance developing an understanding of how to give performance-based feedback formally and informally with managing dynamic, complex situations where giving feedback may feel challenging.

In this session, we will focus on how to balance competing priorities and daily distractions to get more work done, and empower team members and direct reports in the process. We will also understand how diversity among our direct reports influences their goals and modes of working, along with what to do to lead productive and inclusive teams.

In this training, we help employees identify their core desired feelings and improvement goals, focusing on the many intersectional identities they hold and how they inform their aspirations. We will support employees in understanding relevant sources of inspiration and apply that forward momentum to their roles within organizations.

In this session, we break down hidden bias and privilege to understand how to close the opportunity gap for ourselves and others. Through exercises and discussion, we will identify our own biases and privileges. Together, we will identify ways to be more mindful of our privileges, use them for the benefit of others, and extend them across our organizations.

Main session:

In this session, we’ll lay the groundwork for conversations about social identity and systematic injustice.

Forum (Practicing Compassionate Conversations):

This hands-on session builds on the context of the main session.

Main Session:

This training offers management fundamentals with a DEIB lens. Participants will learn what it means to be a manager and how to build effective communication, goal-setting, and giving and receiving feedback skills. This training can be adapted for managers of individual contributors or managers of managers.


Based on a combination of pre-readings on management and DEIB, we will practice a variety of skills that allow us to lead more inclusively.

This session defines intersectionality and explores how it shows up in workplace interactions. Participants will leave with tools to help them discuss identity. We will practice dialogue through language-based exercises.

This session breaks down the different types of microaggressions. Participants will understand what they are and how they impact others, and they will receive tools to avoid and respond to microaggressions. Using scenario-based exercises, participants will be able to put the tools into practice.

This is a foundational training for individuals and teams that are just exploring diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. It creates a shared, common language, and provides tools to kickstart your DEIB journey.

Level 201

201 sessions are designed to foster deeper understanding of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Participants will gain the most value in these sessions if they previous experience with DEIB, especially a working knowledge of key terms, concepts, and self-assessment techniques.

In this session, participants will learn more about themselves and others by exploring their cultural identities. The session will support an understanding of not only the impact on different cultural cohorts but also the unique diversity, equity, and inclusion concerns around nationality and ethnicity.

Perhaps the most pervasive and transitional social identity, ability impacts every person in some way. Yet, those with disabilities are often ignored and made to feel invisible. In this session, we will educate audience members on disability as a social identity and learn disability justice skills.

We will build awareness about mental health and its impacts at work. We will engage in personal reflection around how previous and current work experiences might tie into our mental health. Finally, we will dig into how to support ourselves and others around mental health issues.

We will learn how to develop an inclusive interviewing structure by understanding bias, gaining context on existing processes, and participating in exercises rooted in real-life interviewing practices. You will leave with the confidence to integrate diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging into your hiring processes and show up as your best self when interviewing candidates.

We build on our emotional intelligence and empathy skills to consider how our power as leaders impacts teammates so we can take ownership and responsibility in hearing their voices, setting expectations, and navigating difficult conversations.

In Developing Empathy, we learn the foundations of emotional intelligence. Together, we unpack strategies for developing our social intuition, social awareness, and relationship management skills so we can show up as our most empathetic selves at work.

Mental health is one of the most pressing DEIB issues that faces employees today. This session focuses on supporting healthy stress management practices. Participates will learn the difference between stress and stressors, good stress and bad stress, as well as stress that is every day, far away, and imaginary. Participants will practice several tools for coping with stress, as well as how to deal with stress within their teams. Finally, participants will learn techniques to manage stress, then create an action plan to manage stress moving forward.

Navigating conflict is one of the most important skills a manager can develop, especially as they work to create collaboration, innovation, and collaboration across their diverse teams. In this session, we will learn how to engage in healthy conflict across differences.

In this session, participants will go deeper in their understanding of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging definitions by exploring gender identity. They will understand what gender identity is, how the concept has evolved over time, and where it shows up at work. Through practical examples from navigating pronouns to responding to name changes and creating inclusive spaces, participants will leave more confident in their ability to be inclusive of colleagues across the gender spectrum.

Starting in 2020, women have left the workforce in the largest numbers since World War II because of a combination of equity-related issues around childcare, the pay gap, and increased harassment. In this session, we understand the challenges women face at work and uncover solutions that allow us to support the women in our organizations.

Main session:

This two-hour training focuses on the specific context, tools, and skills leaders must develop in order to promote anti-racist practices across their teams.


In this two-hour follow-up to Being an Anti-Racist Leader, leaders will practice the racial competence model to engage in case studies and roleplays designed to help them prepare for real-life scenarios around race.

Level 301

301 courses focus on practical application of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging theories and frameworks in structural and strategic forms. These courses require both preexisting knowledge of DEIB and specific social identities, as well as participants with the ability to drive and lead group and organization-wide initiatives. These “next level” sessions are for organizations who have advanced DEIB plans and policies previously and are looking to evolve.

In this custom session designed specifically for nonprofit and social impact facilitators, we will focus on how to facilitate for a variety of different audiences and across different formats and settings, all with an aim of cultivating community through curiosity and care.

Being a mentor is a major commitment - you have the power to shape someone's view of themselves professionally and even personally. Your collaboration could be the difference between their promotion or their departure from an industry. Now more than ever, mentors need to understand the importance of showing up for their mentees responsibly, thoughtfully, and respectfully. In this session, we will learn how.

In this 90-minute session, we will explore the concept of “invisible labor, ” including how it shapes our perception of what work is and who deserves to get paid to do it.

Polyculturalism is defined as the belief that cultures change constantly through different racial and ethnic groups' interactions, influences, and exchanges with each other and, therefore, are dynamic and socially constructed rather than static. In this advanced session, we come to recognize the value of cultures from historically resilient communities while also introducing the possibility of them coming together to create something new.

This two-part course is designed as a tactical management workshop that focuses on practical techniques and role play for helping employees from diverse teams navigate their career paths, including a framework and templates for having and documenting those conversations. Between sessions, managers will be asked to practice new skills, complete homework assignments, reflect on learning, and bring discussion points to the second session.

All Levels

These sessions help those new to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging develop insight and expertise in a given area while furthering the understanding of those with more experience. Focused on core tools, anyone can participate and leave with at least one beneficial, constructive action to take into their working lives.

In this session, participants will develop an understanding of neurodiversity through data, resources, and story-sharing. Participants will learn more about the neurodiversity spectrum and umbrella models and how neurodiversity shows up at work.

In this session, we will talk about the different dimensions and meanings of the Arab identity and how it shows up (and doesn’t show up) for employees. We will learn what organizations can do to create cultures of belonging for this multidimensional group.

Inclusive Language

All Levels

What we say becomes what we believe, which is why ensuring the words we use come from a place of respect, appreciation, and knowledge is vital to healthy working dynamics. In this language-based session, we will learn guiding principles on keeping up-to-date, honoring preferences, and navigating up to 24 categories of diversity. We will also learn what to do when mistakes (inevitably!) happen.

Cultures of Belonging

All Levels

Based on Alida Miranda-Wolff's book Cultures of Belonging, this session focuses on how to create a culture of belonging within your organization. Each session includes recommendations according to the R2P2 model tailored to your organization's size, industry, and communities.

Religious Awareness

All Levels

We explore the context of religion in the United States and compare it to other countries in the world. We use testimonials and studies to better understand the experience of non-dominant religious groups and explore the importance of cultural awareness in the workplace.

Socioeconomic Status

All Levels

We examine how income, education level, professional prestige, social status, and social class shape our life experience and can affect our opportunity and wellbeing at work and beyond. We will review data and impacts of advantages and disadvantages based on social identity dimensions. We will use testimonials and research to more deeply understand how power structures can influence outcomes and how to support change.

In this session, we will discuss how communities of individuals with disabilities have organized and evolved over time and cover the core concepts of disability justice. We will usetestimonials and will focus on the example of the DeafBlind communities.

Indigenous Status

All Levels

We explore Indigenous cultures and how the use and protection of the land and environment have beenimpacted by White supremacy and colonization. We focus on testimonials and research on the different ways Indigenous cultures relate to the land and the environment and how the contemporary approach to environmental protection can sometimes follow the principles of White supremacy. These understandings are then extended to a broader discussion on equity in practice.

National Origin

All Levels

We discuss the experience of being an immigrant in America, a history of US immigration, and how we can think about it and talk about it. We focus on immigrantcase studies, examining testimonials of the experience of leaving one’s country and settling into anew one, demonstrations of resilience, and challenges encountered.

In this session, we will define caregiving and invisible labor and will discuss the challenges caregiving employees face at work. We will then present what employees, leaders, and organizations can do to prevent burnout and stress for caregiving employees.

Gender Identity

All Levels

In this session, we disaggregate gender identity, sexual orientation, and sex. We explore components of gender identity and we look at how gender identity has been perceived by different cultures and throughout history. We then focus on the United States context and use testimonials and research to understand what it means to be a person who identifies outside of a strict binary on the gender spectrum. We explore how different gender identities show up in life and at work.

LGBTQIA2+ Primer

All Levels

We talk about the differences between sexual orientation, sex, and gender. We explore the history of the gay and lesbian liberation and civil rights movement before and after Stonewall, and its evolution towards the LGBTQIA2+ movement. We highlight testimonials to better understand the experiences of those who have resisted oppression, how the movement has evolved and organized over time, and how workplaces and teams can operate more inclusively.


All Levels

We will talk about the history of beauty norms and how it relates to gender and oppression. We will focus on testimonials and research to better understand the experience of those who don’t fit the norms.

Understanding Elitism

All Levels

In this session, we talk about the relationship between educational credentials, opportunity, and privilege. In many cases, minimum educational credentials screen out otherwise qualified and capable candidates. We explore our perceptions of elite education and how they may intersect with our identity, and how these factors play out in our view of job candidates, our peers, our colleagues, and those who may or may not extend opportunity. We discuss the difference between the achievement gap and the opportunity gap and reflect on our own background and the way it shapes our lenses and perceptions of others.

Race in America

All Levels

In this session, we talk about concepts of race in America. We explore how race affects who we are, how we are perceived, how we relate to each other, and what we can do to advance a more just environment.

In this session, we talk about generational cohorts and how to understand theimpact of cultural events on perspectives and values. We will focus on testimonials and research toprovide insights into how we experience our work and environment at various points in ourdevelopmental arc.

Packages & Pricing

Single Training


Two Trainings


Three+ Trainings


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We inform vision, strategy, processes, and practices around diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging through various techniques and practices. We conduct research and assessments to identify the best paths forward for each of our clients. Our offerings focus on every part of the intersection between employee experience and belonging according to our DEIB-based model  R2P2: recruiting, retention, promotion, and protection.

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Hands holding a checklist that includes three items: Culture, Vision, and Justice. All three checkbooks are marked with a checkmark.


Our CEO, Alida Miranda-Wolff is an award-winning speaker and published author on the topics of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Invite her to speak at your organization, conference, summit, and more!

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An illustration of Alida Miranda-Wolff standing up and speaking. Her hair is down and she is using her hands while speaking.

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